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  Public Ticket #3828524
Translation of the button


  •  3
    pedewu1 started the conversation


    I would like to translate the "Load More Posts" button in the Penci Portfolio module from English to Polish, but I can't find this option anywhere.

    Secondly, where can I adjust the image alignment in GRID mode so that they are not so scattered? I would like all squares to be at the same height.

    Thank you.

    Attached files:  Zrzut ekranu 2025-02-26 o 22.01.27.png

  •  2,786
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Quick Text Translations: you can translate all the theme text at this section.


  •  3
    pedewu1 replied

    Thank you, it works!

    Where I can edit the size/colors of the button?

  •  2,786
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Posts Layouts → Colors: change the color at these options:

    • "Read More" Link/Button Color 
    • "Read More" Button Background Color 

    Navigate to Posts Layouts → Font Size → Font Size for "Continue Reading"/"Read More" Button: change the font size at this option field.


  •  3
    pedewu1 replied

    Problem solved, thank you