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  Public Ticket #3844323
My website loads weirdly before appearing correctly


  •  4
    Jonathan started the conversation

    Hi there,

    Do you know why my site loads weirdly? Everything appears on the left before loading correctly.

    It happens on every page, as far as I can tell. I screen recorded my site so that I could show you what is happening, and since I can't attach a video to this post, I've uploaded it to YouTube so that you can see what I mean. Here's the link:

    Hope you can fix it as I'm worried it's turning away viewers.

    Kind regards,


  •  2,781
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Speed Optimizations → Optimize CSS, make sure the "Create Critical CSS" option is enabled, clear all site cache, and then check again.


  •  4
    Jonathan replied

    So I just followed those steps and clicked on Optimize CSS, and it doesn't load, instead, I just get the buffer wheel. I've attached an image to show you. The optimise Javascript and Optimize HTML loads, but not the Optimize CSS one.

    Attached files:  Customise_ Good Star Vibes – Celebrating celebrities that promote good vibes only.png

  •  2,781
    PenciDesign replied


    For this case, please send me your WordPress admin account in a PRIVATE reply.
    I'll log in and try to help you check this problem.


  •   Jonathan replied privately
  •  2,781
    PenciDesign replied


    You have installed WP Ghost Lite, which changes the default WordPress core structure to another CMS. As a result, most of the JavaScript code in the Soledad theme and its optimization options no longer work properly.

    Please consider disabling this plugin. If you still want to use it, you will need to turn off the speed optimization features.


  •  4
    Jonathan replied

    I should've known it was that plug-in... I need to remember to consider any new plug-ins if anything goes wrong with my site. Thank you so much for helping me out. I've disabled the plugin.