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tragicomico Manual updateClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated December 3, 2020 at 1:14am   7 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Yes, you can do that if you wantBest Regards,PenciDesign daimpa Wpbakery a lot of lagClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated December 2, 2020 at 3:57pm   6 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,We use google chrome and window 7. This is our first time having this problem.Best Regards,PenciDesign Tripp Taylor How to change font size in footerClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated December 2, 2020 at 9:16am   6 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Change color in footer: font size in footer : Regards,PenciDesign createbytiffany Margin or sizing issue on mobileClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated December 2, 2020 at 8:27am   2 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Please send me screenshot for the margin and font size on mobile. I will check it help youBest Regards,PenciDesign undyingfire Print.css not loadingClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated December 2, 2020 at 2:40am   6 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates of Penci Recipe - as a new option.Best Regards,PenciDesign shirleydt add google analytics track codeClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated December 2, 2020 at 1:54am   6 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,When the theme has a new update, you can go to Appearance > Themes > and click "Update Now" on the thumbnail of Soledad there - Like updates for other free themes on WordPress.orgAnd the update doe ... Rivkah Post titles not displaying in blocksClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated December 1, 2020 at 10:37pm   3 Most recent comment from Rivkah:solved ignatescuadi25 menu vs hero paddingClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated December 1, 2020 at 2:20am   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,It seems you're using a page builder to config that page - so, please select Template for this page is "Page Full Width" to remove that space.Best Regards,PenciDesign chawra hide few sectionsClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated December 1, 2020 at 1:51am   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi, You can open your homepage > click on "Edit with Elementor" > right click on those section and select "Delete" to remove those sections. Best Regards, PenciDesign christinahoyer recipe optionsClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 9:00pm   2 Most recent comment from christinahoyer:Hi again,Sorry for the inconvienience. I figured it out. It seemed like there was and opdate on penci recipes available that I some how missed.BrChristina nsaurin Blog posts selection with elementorClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 12:07pm   4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Unfortunately, there is no other order for this..Best Regards,PenciDesign Netser Grup AMP // Call ButtonClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 12:04pm   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,To do that, please do follow steps below:1/ Go to Appearance > Customizer AMP ( not Customize ) > Header Options > Add Custom Codes After Tag > and add more this code: CALL NOWNote: Replace  n ... rlix Moving menu from verical to horizontalClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 4:29am   3 Most recent comment from rlix:Thanks! Lemaure80 Shop pluginClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 4:19am   2 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Please install and active Woocommerce pluginBest Regards,PenciDesign Adminpop Theme not functioning properlyClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated November 30, 2020 at 4:05am   4 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,I checked on your site and i saw image on your site work fine.About optimize speed , please check this guide to know how to optimize speed on your siteBest Regards,PenciDesign