Public Tickets All Categories PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme (7) Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme (378) Vancouver - Multiple Layouts WordPress Blog Theme (0) dennis duncan can't locate primary picturesClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 15, 2023 at 1:52am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Your site was built with the WPBakery Page Builder, if you want to modify any media/content, please edit it with the WPBakery plugin by following the document below:Regards,PenciDesign. AlexBepunkt Responsive Design - Penci Block VideoClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 11, 2023 at 5:20pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: @media screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1240px) { .penci-vc_sidebar-right .penci-con ... AlexBepunkt Resposive Design - Penci Block 37Closed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 11, 2023 at 5:16pm 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) { .penci-block-col-3 .penci-post-item:nth-child(3n+1) {� ... AlexBepunkt Responsive Design - PenciBlock37Closed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 11, 2023 at 4:22pm 3 Most recent comment from AlexBepunkt:Hello PenciDesign,Sorry, I didn't realize I was being cryptic. There are always four items on the tablet resp. screen. It is about the arrangement with different sizes:1) At the beginning there a ... AlexBepunkt Menues / CategoriesClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 11, 2023 at 1:09pm 3 Most recent comment from AlexBepunkt:Hello PenciDesign,I put some time and effort in it and figured it out.Thanks,Alexander AlexBepunkt WP BakeryClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated May 11, 2023 at 11:23am 5 Most recent comment from AlexBepunkt:Hello PenciDesign,Most probably.Regards,Alexander anoopchana Instagram FeedClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 28, 2023 at 9:13am 8 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi @Virginie LEFORT,This ticket is a problem with the PenNews theme. If you currently using the Soledad theme, please create a new ticket at the Soledad.PenciDesign,Best Regards. telewave build query does not find categoriesClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 27, 2023 at 1:07am 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi, 1. I've checked your site, and the category showing properly, here is a screenshot: 2. Please note: the category name only shows when it contains a post.PenciDesign,Best Regards. SDial punctuation missing for photo captionsClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 20, 2023 at 3:32pm 7 Most recent comment from SDial:Should have tested before contacting you. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for the great support.It was the AIOSEO - Image SEO plugin that caused the issue. Will let them know. Thanks a ... grandadmiral Old CSS code not working after updateClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 17, 2023 at 7:13am 6 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,I've modified the Penci Framework plugin files.Regards,PenciDesign. CBWright Category Sort Settings for Top Posts and General LayoutClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 12, 2023 at 5:15am 7 Most recent comment from CBWright:It appears to be the ascending posts plugin. Looks like I'm stuck with the behavior.Thanks for looking into it. d2bee PenNews Video Playlist in widgetsClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated April 5, 2023 at 3:40pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,You can change the block title style for the entire site by going to Appearance > Customize > Sidebar > Style Title.The current version of PenNews doesn't include the option that helps you cus ... vroniquea2 Appearence of front page disappearedClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated March 24, 2023 at 11:22am 4 Most recent comment from vroniquea2:Hi,Thank you very much for your help and your explanation !Regards,Véronique AlexBepunkt PenNews LightboxClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated March 16, 2023 at 7:46pm 8 Most recent comment from AlexBepunkt:Hello PenciDesign, Absolutely top notch! Although I now have to edit each page again since the "Grid" and "Slider" styles no longer exist, the image calculations of the "Mosaic" style are definitely w ... dennis duncan exchange productClosed PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme Updated March 15, 2023 at 5:22pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,In this case, please go to this link and then create a refund request: leader and Envato staff will respond via Email.Regards,PenciDesign. 12345678910131