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Public Tickets

arshadrustami The "leadin" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.Closed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 25, 2022 at 10:35am   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi, Maybe something is wrong with the WP-JSON or another plugin conflicts with the new UI of WordPress 5.8, Please install the Classic Widget plugin for your site: ... Rboullay Share order?Closed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 25, 2022 at 7:47am   7 Most recent comment from Rboullay:sorry i ve found float right :) Rboullay image credit?Closed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 25, 2022 at 7:30am   4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General: turn on the "Move Caption of Images to Below The Images" option.Regards,PenciDesign. devbean Cannot show styled-box of ultrablocksClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 25, 2022 at 2:44am   12 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,This is a content conflict with this ticket: Ultra Blocks style only displays correctly with the: Please wait for me to research the best solution ... walterwen008 DesignClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 24, 2022 at 3:25pm   12 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {    .is-sticky #navigation.header-6 #logo img {     � ... Thomas Some errors in Images and size of fontsClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated July 24, 2022 at 10:35am   29 Most recent comment from Thomas:No, you get me wrong i need a tool to sort the Admin Menu in the way i need it, that is why i use a Admin Theme. But i have changed the Admin Theme (deleted) and installed just a Admin Menue sorting p ... kubicak1 Importing Demo DataClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 23, 2022 at 7:34pm   4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,I've imported the demo data for your site without any issue.Please check.Regards,PenciDesign. Paxos Magazine Date colorsClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 23, 2022 at 5:57pm   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the color at the "Custom Posts Meta Color for Dark Theme" option.Regards,PenciDesign. Paxos Magazine FooterClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 22, 2022 at 2:56pm   26 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Since you've resolved the Facebook Tracker code, there is no error with the Google Adsense code.Regards,PenciDesign. Rboullay IMage on right?Closed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 22, 2022 at 2:54pm   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: .penci-grid li.list-post .item > .thumbnail {  float: right;}Regards,PenciDesign. Thomas Similar Posts Images not showingClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated July 22, 2022 at 1:52pm   13 Most recent comment from Thomas:Hi Guys,this both CSS Codes are working, thank you very much! mlagonissi STICKY POSTClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 22, 2022 at 11:12am   5 Most recent comment from mlagonissi:thanks Please clode the ticket Rboullay UnderlineClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 21, 2022 at 8:39pm   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: .post-related .post-box-title::after {    width: 100px;    height: 10px;    content: ' ... muradbartishvili Problem with 'og:image'Closed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated July 21, 2022 at 11:00am   11 Most recent comment from muradbartishvili:Yes, now it works good. Thank you. chichigou h1 height line settingClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated July 21, 2022 at 1:55am   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign Supporter:Hi,Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: .container-single .single-post-title {    line-height: 40px;}Change 40px to the line height you want ...