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ecotech10 Upload MediaClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 8, 2021 at 8:04am   3 Most recent comment from ecotech10:It was a server setting issue. It is fixed now. Thanks! icannwiki Thumbnails are not shownClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 7, 2021 at 3:10pm   2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,It seems you've enabled lazyload images from SG Optimize plugin.Let go to Dashboard > SG Optimize > and disable lazyload images from SG Optimize and this issue will gone because the theme alre ... kmichalaros Portfolio imagesClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 7, 2021 at 11:55am   2 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Unfortunately, currently, pennews doesn't any option to change the portfolio image size.but because you use full image , the performance on your site will not fine.Best Regards,PenciDesign aniquevn Help sidebar post pageClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 6, 2021 at 8:19pm   3 Most recent comment from aniquevn:Thank you :-) Abdul_1995 In terms of speed, which is better?Closed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 6, 2021 at 2:24pm   33 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,If so, there is no way to do that.Best Regards,PenciDesign LoisFlowers glitch in theme graphicsClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 6, 2021 at 1:35am   4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,I don't know because I don't know how you set up SSL. But, you can try to install the plugin Really Simple SSL to solve the problem.Best Regards,PenciDesign lakindu93 How to add Reading time to postsClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 5, 2021 at 3:28pm   4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Yes, of course you need to fill it manually, we have one option to set a default reading time via Customize > General > General Settings. You can use it to set up a default reading time for your po ... Giuliawebdesign SidebarClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 5, 2021 at 1:42pm   3 Most recent comment from Giuliawebdesign:It works perfectly! Thanks!  pippinlily SliderClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 5, 2021 at 1:26pm   6 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Yes, no anything affects, just need update the parent theme because the child theme will inherit the features from parent theme.Best Regards,PenciDesign marsm Read More Button ColourClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 5, 2021 at 12:18pm   7 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Please go to Customizer > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do that div.wpforms-container .wpforms-form .wpforms-page-button, #respond #submit, .wpcf7 input[type="submit"],  .widget_wysija in ... thallalokesh Demo not importedClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 5, 2021 at 11:43am   2 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,I'm not clear about the issue.Please tell me about the the issue. I will check it againBest Regards,PenciDesign pippinlily Featured imageClosed   Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme   Updated March 4, 2021 at 8:00pm   3 Most recent comment from pippinlily:That's a great help, thank you :) marsm Login/register on headerClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 4, 2021 at 7:37am   3 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi, Unfortunately, Login/register on header only support login or register come form core of wordpress.You can use Login/register come form forum plugin on widget Best Regards, PenciDesign tomon1 Penci block formattingClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 4, 2021 at 7:29am   4 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Please use image with format is png or jpg.Best Regards,PenciDesign marsm Link author to BuddyPress profileClosed   PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme   Updated March 4, 2021 at 7:06am   2 Most recent comment from Penci Design:Hi,Unfortunately, currently, pennews doesn't support the featureBest Regards,PenciDesign