Public Tickets All Categories PenNews - News/ Magazine/ Business/ Portfolio/Reviews Landing AMP WP Theme (9) Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme (428) Vancouver - Multiple Layouts WordPress Blog Theme (0) Jen author boxClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 8, 2019 at 3:27am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support for this feature.We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.Best Regards,PenciDesign calsharp Hi, how do I edit the 10 custom sidebarsClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 4:17am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,You need to make sure your custom sidebar exists widgets. If your custom sidebar you've selected is empty - it will display the "Main Sidebar"Also, you can check general options for custom sid ... calsharp Remove 'categories' from H1 tag on Categories pageClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 4:16am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Please check option for it via Customize > General Options > Remove "Category" words on category pages.Best Regards,PenciDesign m28006 Change image on mobileClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 4:15am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,You just can hide it for mobile - it can't be change to another image.You can check Responsive setting from WPBakery here to know how to hide it on the mobile: ... Anil Bhaskar Solidad and Wp BakeryClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 4:02am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,First of all thank you for loving our theme and your great words.No worries about this because I see WPBakery still updates - but it's not regular like Elementor.Until now, I see WPBakery stil ... citrane design helpClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 3:55am 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,1/ Do you mean remove the white border or white background color around the text?If you want remove white border, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS: ul.homepage-featured-boxes li ... connectingdotsasia Plugins Version included with themeClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 7, 2019 at 3:46am 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Please check option for it via Dashboard > Settings > Discussion.Best Regards,PenciDesign Ctoprakkaya Breaking News StackingClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 3:56pm 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Of course, I've checked your site on Chrome.Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix this issue: .penci-headline .animated.slideOutUp{ -webkit-animation-name: slideOutUp; ... Onofriomarcomancini insert teads video ad codeClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 3:49pm 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,If so, you need to check again your code because the theme just get your code and appears to the single post pages. We don't modify anything of your code..Best Regards,PenciDesign jenzai Add a widget under the comments section in a single blogClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 3:48pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,If you want to add something below the comments section, you need to edit the file inside the theme.Please add your code like on this image.Best Regards,PenciDesign Onofriomarcomancini Different logo for each categoryClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 3:36pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Unfortunately, currently there is no way to do that...Best Regards,PenciDesign calsharp WPBakery builder template libraryClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 3:35pm 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,Thank you for loving our theme.Yeah, you can use WPBakery inside the theme legal without purchase it because we've purchased extended license from WPBakery.But, if you need to access to templa ... sudeepta91 plugin and demo content editingClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 2:49pm 3 Most recent comment from sudeepta91:thank you. Onofriomarcomancini conflict with siteground optmizer cache pluginClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 10:03am 2 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Hi,I see everything is fine: seems caching issues. You just need make sure you don't use any lazyload images feature from other plugin is okThis theme already support ... ngocnhan912 TranslateClosed Soledad - Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme Updated December 5, 2019 at 4:27am 4 Most recent comment from PenciDesign:Please check option for it via Customize > Single Post Options.Best Regards,PenciDesign 1 580581582583584585586587588589590 936